iBus Display Accessories
All iBus Displays can be delivered with embedded text-to-speech option and Digital Timetable (EPD). Different use of the embedded text-to-speech option is supported and can be activated through wireless push button or through automatic trigger functionality. Electronic timetables, maps, messages and other custom defined functionality can easily be added to the EPD unit.
Reads out the content of the display when the activation button is pressed. An obvious reason for adding text-to-speech to iBus Displays is to make the real-time (and disturbance) information available also to visually impaired travelers.
The Text-to-Speech option includes:
- Speaker unit embedded in the display (external speaker can be used when required)
- Wireless activation button
- Text-to-Speech unit using highest quality voices from Acapela Group
Digital Timetable (EPD)
Shows current timetables and additional information for all the bus lines that passes a specific stop point. A reason for adding digital timetable to iBus Displays is to move away from paper based timetable distribution, which has always been a time consuming and costly process. Using electronic distribution makes timetable changes very easy and it can be delivered precise in time.